Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Updated Visual CV

Tuesday, 10 May 2016
I've spent a little bit of time tonight updating my visual CV. I won't be applying for any job roles until I've finished uni so at the end of August (I have extensions until then) but I wanted to revamp it and kind of think about where I am in my own head. It's hard to think of your own skills and sell yourself but I'm happy with how this has turned out, nice and clean and simple.

Tonight I've also downloaded Microsoft Office for free from the Microsoft website as I have a student email account which I didn't realise I could do until now! So I've been starting to tackle my dissertation on Word as I'm not keen on Pages on my mac. In the near future I'm meant to be getting a mentor to meet up with a couple of times a week to help me with my dissertation and my final project. This will be a huge help as I've been really struggling with motivation and haven't had a clue what I'm supposed to be doing or what I even want to do. Fingers crossed for progress in the coming weeks and bring on August when it will all be over!


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