Saturday, 13 April 2019

Thoughts following a difficult week

Saturday, 13 April 2019
So today I'm back after a few shitey days away from social media 👋🏼 again. Just a quick post of some thoughts.
I often get the feeling people get sick of me harping on probably like a broken record about the same things. Someone said to me a little while ago ‘Facebook isn’t the place’ (to vent about personal things bla bla) but yes it totally is! And no time better than right now when we are essentially in a mental health crisis. We have Facebook to connect to other people and we add friends to be able to communicate with them. Yet I find I get the most support from complete strangers on twitter. 
People die because they hide how bad they feel! Then everyone’s so upset and jumps on the bandwagon for 2 minutes about speaking out *jazz hands* until they forget again until the next time. 
I realise the ones who deleted me can’t see this but like people deleted me for speaking out. I fucking screamed out and got such a negative response from so many people. Why? I was terrified and in so much pain i didn’t know what was going to happen to me. But y'know if anything being ignored and dismissed makes me wanna speak out more and do more about the ignorance 💁🏼‍♀️ can you tell I hate the term speaking out? (Still had very little help by the way and it’s been 4 months). 
At my lowest I thought things like "wow if I had died no one would even care or come to my funeral", then I thought "no, actually, they totally would and make out like they loved me soo much". Cause everyone wants to show how much they cared once someone dies and they feel that guilt. How about be good to people now and not remorseful when they’re gone? Humanity is outrageous. 

I don’t mean this to be insensitive in any way by the way. So many people are amazing and compassionate and lovely, and my experience seems to have brought all of those to the forefront which is a huge positive. It's just glaring me in the face how huge of a problem we have in our society, it's terrifying frankly.

Thanks for reading

Friday, 22 March 2019

Emptying my brain pt.1

Friday, 22 March 2019
I’ve been wanting to write a new post for a while now. I’ve got so much constantly swirling in my head and so much to say but I don’t know how to get it out. I’ve decided it’s better to just write and it not be perfect rather than not write at all. 
So, the last time I posted I was scared I was going to lose everything but I said I was determined not to this time. As it turns out, I lost everything and there’s nothing I could’ve done about it. I mean, aside from maybe pretending I wasn’t spiralling into feeling so bad I could barely function out of bed, or lying about not going to work. Or changing myself completely, I don’t know. Anyway, my boyfriend left me and it just felt like the Earth had fallen beneath me. 
Yes we’d only been officially together for a couple of months, but after all of the fucking shit I’d already been through, I really was not able to handle having my heart broken yet again. Something about this time was like any previous time multiplied by a thousand, too. How I felt about him was like nothing I’d felt in a long time, if ever before, and I thought he’d felt the same towards me. 
I’d been so careful this time. Was he honest? Trustworthy? Faithful? Understanding? Loving? I’d thought he was all of those things and more. I thought I was good at reading people, I thought I’d read him so well, I couldn’t believe I was finally falling in love with someone who was actually so right for me and wanted me back. I felt so, so lucky. 
Things only gradually and subtly started to change where I’d feel like he wasn’t wanting to be around me sometimes, but I’d tell myself I was being irrational because of how I’d been treat in the past. Any insecurities I’d bring up with him, he’d reassure me, saying “it’s fine to need reassurance sometimes” and hugging me. I felt so relieved and understood like finally someone gets it. 
Only any bad gut feelings I had were completely right, and in the shortest time it was like a switch flipped and he was avoiding me, hardly bothering with me, and making me really fucking upset and confused. 
How can someone listen to all the shit in your past, still stick by you, reassure you, introduce you to their friends and family, make future plans for gigs, festivals, holidays with you, and then completely change their mind and leave you? How could he not want to see me again all of a sudden? 
The only thing that had changed was that he got to know my anxiety and depression better, and then he ran away. One day he’d been out for hours, I was in bed when he left, and I was in bed when he came back. He told me to get up and asked how I could sleep all day and asked what was wrong. Every Sunday night after we’d had a weekend together I’d get upset and every Monday morning I would cry before work. Because I was terrified of losing him. 

You see, for someone like me who feels things intensely, it’s almost better to have nothing because you have nothing to lose. The constant anxiety and stress I’m under in a job or relationship is virtually unbearable. 
I’d not long been in full time work when we started dating, and I was already finding the job really tough. Going from being unemployed and hiding in the house to being out in public every day, dealing with people and rushing around, it was a complete overload to the senses and I was exhausted all the time. I struggled to complete five days in a week because I was so drained, all I would do besides work was sleep.
I’d also not long been out of an emotionally abusive relationship with someone who I honestly think has scarred me forever. I won’t go into the details but narcissistic abuse is not to be taken lightly and if someone is controlling you and insulting you every day, when you had no confidence to begin with, you need to get out before it breaks you completely. I’ve learned since that it takes on average 8 attempts for an abuse victim to leave their abuser. They make you feel so worthless and useless that you couldn’t live without them. ‘Luckily’ for me I got out of it after a couple of months, but I still have nightmares about him sometimes.

When me and my recent ex started dating he said “I don’t get that like, why didn’t you just leave?”. Red flag right there really, but I seem to be great at not seeing those when I want to be loved. Near the end of our relationship he would say things like “I don’t understand anything about you” and that really hurt. I’d try to explain but it was just so far from his capabilities it seems. I would love to be as fortunate to have that ignorance towards mental illness. Imagine that. 

So anyway, I’d been off sick from work for a couple of weeks because I was crying at work all the time, felt like I couldn’t breathe and could not concentrate whatsoever. All that ran through my mind was that he was losing interest, I was falling for him, Christmas was coming (bad things always happen to me at Christmas) and something really really bad was going to happen. I tried to focus on my job and myself and had a meeting with my manager to arrange going back to work a few hours a week and gradually building them up. I really needed that job, the money and the friends I’d made there plus the experience and furthering my career in visual merchandising. But no, we had a terrible fight the weekend before I was meant to go back to work, and I was so upset I couldn’t go. We fought because I thought we’d had plans but he wanted to spend the entire weekend in the pub. Like imagine having a grotty pub and pints chosen over you? I really thought at that point wow he does not care about me whatsoever. 
When I say I couldn’t go to work, I mean I absolutely could not function at all. I cried in bed, didn’t eat, I couldn’t deal with it. That Friday night - 14th December -  he came to my house and broke up with me. The next few weeks after that were the worst weeks of my entire life. 

I mostly spent Christmas and new year sobbing either on the living room floor or in bed. I barely knew what day or time it was. All I could think about was him, what was wrong with me, why I wasn’t good enough, how he could do that to me, why do I deserve this, etc etc. Round and round. For weeks on end. 
I sent him hundreds of messages, asking questions over and over that he never really gave the answers to. Just things like “I don’t want a relationship” (he asked me out), “I just don’t want this” (he said the previous weekend he was happy), “I’m not in love with you” punch me in the fucking throat why don’t you.

So, as many people know, I pretty much had a complete mental breakdown after this break up. I couldn’t see a future. My future was planned in my head with him and I saw a ‘way out’ with him, of how lonely and upset I had been and a new path leading out of my pain. It felt like someone offering me a hand out of a dark hole in the ground before laughing and throwing me back down into it. It was un-fucking-bearable. I can’t stress that enough.

It was so bad I vented absolutely everything on social media. Not even for anyone else to see, just for him to see, or his friends to see it and make sure he knew how bad I was feeling because of him. I slammed my fist down on the self destruction and did not give a shit what would happen to me. I wanted to fully destroy everything because I honestly thought I wasn’t going to be here any more so nothing mattered. I just wanted to die. I had been abandoned, thrown away, my worst fears had been realised and I just wanted to be gone. 
I posted a video of me taking handfuls of tablets then went out in the car only to be found and taken to hospital. I did a live video of my arms after I’d used broken mirror to cut them after trashing my room because I couldn’t handle the anger and hurt any longer. I ended up in a police cell for hours only for them to send me back home with no help. All I ever really got was the crisis team number, which of course I wasn’t going to ring. I could barely think straight. I’m sure I told people on the phone several times to fuck off.
I also told friends and people who loved me to fuck off. I really did want to completely destroy myself. Thankfully, some absolutely amazing loving friends could see through my pain and know me and knew that deep down I was just acting out because the pain was so intense I couldn’t handle it all myself.

The whole ordeal of the past few months has taught me a hell of a lot about people. A lot of people unfollowed me, some blocked me, some sent me horrible messages. All I can say to those people is:
“I’m sorry if I hurt or upset you, I was unwell, and if you still can’t see or understand that, then you’re the lucky ones who don’t feel things the way I do.”
 The stigma around mental illness is far from being eradicated and I’ve seen first hand the ignorance and also how quick people are to turn a blind eye. Although my views on my instagram stories went up and up the worse I was getting and people just wanting to have a nose, like a horrible car crash you can’t help but watch. 

I have to mention before I finish this post though, the amount of positivity and love from people far outweighed the bad. My best friends Kate and Stacey who would turn up at my door and hug me so tight while I sobbed, or make sure I washed and ate. People who sent me the loveliest of messages. Especially those who knew me so well, deep down, far better than my ex ever did, reminding me of all the good things about myself. People I’ve bumped into out and about since who’ve come up to me and given me a hug and really been absolutely lovely. A lad I’d never met in person before but knew of, came up to me and said he had been concerned and was so glad to see me out and enjoying myself. Like, people don’t have to come up to me and say those things but they have!! 

I’m still not great right now, honestly, but I have some pretty okay days now. I’m seeing someone to talk about things every couple of weeks and will just see how things go. For now I can’t even face looking at job vacancies or thinking too far in the future but one day at a time I’ll get there.

If anyone else has any similar experiences with overwhelming emotions / intense feelings / anxiety / depression or anything like that feel free to comment or contact me and we can have a chat. Also shout out to all the people on twitter and support groups on facebook - strangers who relates are great to speak to when you feel alone in this world.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I’ll probably follow this up with a few more related posts. Apologies if this isn’t the best use of grammar or whatever, I try my best, and I don’t think I’m that thick or owt :) 

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Recent Thoughts

Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Depression is an evil force. It makes you believe your loved ones don’t care about you and everything would be better if you just disappeared. It hurts so much you want to just be gone. Not dead exactly, because death is terrifying too, but just not in pain either. 

I believe my boyfriend doesn’t care about me, I’m a burden and an annoyance. He doesn’t know how to make me happy. I’m sure he will break up with me soon and my self-loathing theories will be proven true. I’m too much, who would want me anyway. He could be with someone happy and much easier to be around. There are so many women out there he could be happy with. A breath of fresh air as opposed to my doom and gloom. 

I believe my parents are disappointed. We’ve been here so many times before. I’ll lose yet another job, we’ll worry even worse about money than usual, my life will be turned upside down again. They must think “why can’t our daughter be happy, be a confident adult and take control of her own life”

My friends get sick of hearing it all over again. I don’t have any ‘actual’ problems, I’m just always struggling with one thing or another. Again, annoying, burden. 

The depression is at the root of the problem, but all of these thoughts manifest from it to create a vicious damaging cycle. I never even know why or when it will start again or where it will end. 

This year has been a rollercoaster for me. Moving out of my childhood home after a series of horrible events to do with my dad’s mental health problems, getting a new job, ending up in an abusive relationship, losing my job, ending the relationship. Then beginning to heal, getting another new job, meeting someone new. As soon as things look as they’re going in the right direction, I’m slowly heading down that slope to severe depression. 
Maybe I haven’t healed from the past relationship, maybe the pressure of a full time job and new relationship has started it all rolling, maybe it’s the winter time, or a concoction of it all. My usual state of being generally anxious to fully breaking down and heading for rock bottom is a scary shock, and I really don’t know what will pull me back up. I just really can’t let it take everything away this time. 

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Embarking on a new Textiles course!

Thursday, 20 July 2017
So having finished my BA Hons Creative Enterprise course recently, I've been at a bit of a loose end about what to do next. I've been out of work for over a year now to focus on my studies which were a long hard struggle, and I've finally found myself at the end of all that, taking a deep breath and wondering where to go.

I've always been inspired by entrepreneurs, in particular designers who make their own fashion brands and have their own businesses. They get to utilise their own ideas and have their own creative freedom while being their own boss and really controlling your own lifestyle. Everything about this appeals to me entirely, but having done courses on visual merchandising / branding / range planning etc, I've never learned how to actually make garments myself.

SO, a couple of weeks ago I spotted an advert on Facebook for a free fashion and textiles course at City of Sunderland College. After reading the description HERE I decided I 100% need to get myself enrolled on this right now! I called them up and got enrolled immediately, and started last Monday, the 10th July :)

My tutor's name is Rory Fletcher. Rory is agency staff and came into the Bede campus of Sunderland College to take the class. She has her own business and has provided me with so much valuable advice and information during my time working with her.

I've spent the week working towards making a skirt, which has been fitted on me and so I should be able to wear it! I can't wait for this! I learned how to set up the sewing machine, I practised different seams and stitches, then with Rory's tuition I made the toile for my skirt, which turned out fantastic.
I then went to Dainty Supplies, a craft supply store in Washington, and picked up my choice of fabric and a zip for my final piece.

Unfortunately, due to my anxiety being through the roof last week, I missed a day and am having to do more work a couple of days this week. BUT Rory is so generously giving me her time, to make sure I finish and get my Level 1 qualification. Surprisingly I have taken to the process of making pretty well, and I fully plan on continuing to Level 2 on a night class in the future!

Once my skirt is complete I'll post again and hopefully be able to wear the skirt for some pictures if it fits, fingers crossed.

Skirt (Front)

Skirt (Back)

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

A weekend of BBQ and Blink 182

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

A couple of weekends ago, the weather was absolutely glorious, and my beautiful friend Lucy invited me to a BBQ hosted by her also very beautiful friend Sian. We had the best afternoon sat on the grass in the blazing sunshine, drinking cider and eating an insanely good vegan spread. 

I also got to wear my new floral wrap dress from Topshop that I'm obsessed with.

Later on after a few too many drinks we of course ended up in Rise until the early hours of the morning. I do love me a rock night, adding a million snapchats to my story of myself spinning around singing along to all the songs... I won't include those!


So, Sunday the 11th July was a date I'd been looking forward to for sooo long, since November in fact when I bought tickets to see Blink 182 at the Metroradio Arena Newcastle. Then, a few months ago it was announced that my bae Frank Turner would be supporting! Heart eye emoji. 

Obviously I was very hungover in the morning, but after napping away the afternoon I was ready for the gig and head off to Newcastle with my friend Lauren. Frank Turner did not disappoint, forever the amazing showman, chatting with the crowd every so often between songs. 

And then, Blink 182... without Tom Delonge and only a 1 hour 15 minute set. I can't say I wasn't disappointed by the short set, because I was. We stood there a while after they'd left the stage, waiting for the last 45 minutes of the show which never came! £50 tickets guys!

Having seen Blink lots of times at several Leeds Festivals, in Manchester and in Newcastle a couple of times before, I'm still glad I went this time, but nothing beats the old line-up and the old days in general! I am old. 
I enjoyed the amount of classic songs they played as opposed to their more recent stuff, of which I only know maybe three songs. Nevertheless we jumped about like idiots and loved every minute.

Laura Olivia Wilson © 2017