Friday, 16 January 2015

Setting Future Goals

Friday, 16 January 2015
As my second year of this course is well under way I'm going to reflect on what I have already done in my first year and last couple of months, and set goals for the remainder of the year.

 Last year I learned a lot in terms of how to create range plans and illustrated reports on InDesign. I was able to create my own style of work and I was happy with the outcome of most of my projects, although I did have to rush some of them at the end to meet deadlines, which is something I need to work on.

Some strengths I think I have would be:

  • InDesign skills
  • Web design knowledge (HTML, setting up a website)
  • Writing skills
  • Moodboards
  • Fashion retail experience
  • Drawing
  • Visual merchandising experience
  • Photography
  • Organisation

Some things I would like to improve on:
  • Time management
  • Photoshop and Illustrator skills
  • Confidence in my ability and my work
  • Practical skills such as the marbling that I have recently done
During this year I would also like to gain some visual merchandising experience as a placement so that I can gain more experience in that field, which would benefit me in the future and in the career path I hope to take.

I have also completed a PPD skills, knowledge and Abilities Diagnostic using the PPD online module. This shows that I need to improve my knowledge in the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurialism 
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Career Planning
  • Culture and Etiquette
  • Job and Interview Skills
  • Analysis of Data
  • Research and Referencing

Using the online modules I hope to improve these areas and be confident in them by the end of my course in April.

Laura Olivia

NCI 510: Developing A Negotiated Brief

As it's now the new year we have been given our final project for the level 6 course. For this project we have a lot of freedom as it's self directed and this is something I've never had the chance to do before. The first thing I did in searching for ideas was to look at trend forecasting on WGSN for spring/summer 2016. One trend in particular really caught my eye and that's what WGSN call the Sartorial trend, which is comprised of bold floral prints mixed with pattern and geometric shapes too. So much going on in one trend and one look! From this I comprised this Botanical themed mood board, really focusing in on the tropical side of this trend.

I'm really happy with the way this board turned out and I definitely want to encorporate some ideas from this board into my final work, whatever that may be! I will keep you updated as things progress!

Thanks for reading
Laura Olivia xoxo
Laura Olivia Wilson © 2017