Friday, 16 January 2015

Setting Future Goals

Friday, 16 January 2015
As my second year of this course is well under way I'm going to reflect on what I have already done in my first year and last couple of months, and set goals for the remainder of the year.

 Last year I learned a lot in terms of how to create range plans and illustrated reports on InDesign. I was able to create my own style of work and I was happy with the outcome of most of my projects, although I did have to rush some of them at the end to meet deadlines, which is something I need to work on.

Some strengths I think I have would be:

  • InDesign skills
  • Web design knowledge (HTML, setting up a website)
  • Writing skills
  • Moodboards
  • Fashion retail experience
  • Drawing
  • Visual merchandising experience
  • Photography
  • Organisation

Some things I would like to improve on:
  • Time management
  • Photoshop and Illustrator skills
  • Confidence in my ability and my work
  • Practical skills such as the marbling that I have recently done
During this year I would also like to gain some visual merchandising experience as a placement so that I can gain more experience in that field, which would benefit me in the future and in the career path I hope to take.

I have also completed a PPD skills, knowledge and Abilities Diagnostic using the PPD online module. This shows that I need to improve my knowledge in the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurialism 
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Career Planning
  • Culture and Etiquette
  • Job and Interview Skills
  • Analysis of Data
  • Research and Referencing

Using the online modules I hope to improve these areas and be confident in them by the end of my course in April.

Laura Olivia

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